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Friday, January 06, 2006

This Is Why I Shop at Target...

Wal-Mart made an uh-oh: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/05/AR2006010502176.html

Basically, they were rocking some unintentional bigotry. They didn't mean to but in the immortal words of my boy Pat Barry: 'They didn't mean not to'. Changes your whole perspective on sh*t doesn't it? Didn't mean not to. Wow. That is some powerful stuff. No one is saying that Wal-Mart is a racist company (well maybe some are but they are the same people that think that since I am a white professional, I have weekly meetings with other white professionals about how to make sure that black guys don't get to succeed.), but you have got to have somebody catch that internally. Come on Wal-Mart, step it up. Seriously. The fact that you weren't consciously trying to prevent something like this is why people are so pissed at you. You are a huge corporation with unlimited resources. At a certain point, one of your computer nerds has got to raise the question at a staff meeting:

Computer Nerd:"what are our criteria for the keywords going to be and is there any chance someone could be offended?"

White Wal-Mart Boss: "Good question Johnson. You and Eisenberg take a look at that. The rest of you, figure out a way to keep black people from making as much money as white people."

I kid of course.

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