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Friday, January 27, 2006


My earlier post got deleted so this will be brief.

Chris White and I will be appearing on GWU's radio station on Tuesday morning at 9:30 AM. You can listen live online at http://www.gwradio.com/

Chris and I will talk about, his show that night, DC Comedyfest, and why he is a good comic and why I am a hacky attention seeker.

Saw Colinn Quinn at the DC Improv last night. He's really smart but I wasn't blown away. He had a couple of great lines that made me cackle (sp?) After the show, I saw a this girl who is a friend of a friend that I hadn't seen in a while. It is my belief that this is one of the 10 hottest non-famous girls on the planet. This girl is uber-hot and also stunningly approachable. She should be famous and should be in movies playing characters where dudes are like: 'I wonder if she's like that in real life?" I want her boyfriend, and any subsequent competition to implode...which means every guy except me imploding...even still, if there were no dudes left, I bet I'd still have to act aloof to get her to pay attention.

Benefit show tomorrow night in Rockville. I've been told the show will air on Sirius radio. I think they are taping the show to play it later on. Either way, someone gets a Sirius radio credit...I meant me.

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