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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Save Town Hall

I live in Glover Park in Washington DC. Its where all the cool kids live as it is a particularly mint neighborhood. There is a new restaurant/bar called Town Hall that is an outstanding place. Good food, nice bar, funny people-watching; just a cool spot. Per usual in DC, there are a few self righteous idiots who are trying to ruin something great (DC baseball anyone?). A couple of really motivated (motivated because they have nothing better to do than to spend hours of energy on something trivial) people who live close to Town Hall were able to convince the city council to force Town Hall to close at 11:30 on the grounds that "Town Hall encourages patrons to go back into the neighborhood on Hall Place (the block right behind the bar) and cause a raucous". The report also called Town Hall patrons "gangs of thugs".

People that go there are a lot of things...But thugs?

Not only are these allegations ridiculous, but Town Hall has gone out of its way to try and appease these fascists by placing a bouncer back in the neighborhood to keep patrons quiet as they come and go to the bar, they've posted signs to remind people to be quiet, and they've capitulated to these completely unfair restrictions.

Because no one really saw this coming, this small group of militants was able to obtain a order to force Town Hall to close down early every night.

Town Hall is doing its best to fight back. They (and locals) simply want the bar to be afforded the same rights and privledges as any other bar in DC. Its amazing that these restrictions were allowed to pass in the first place. How can you single out a place like that? Its within 500 yards of strip clubs that stay open all night and another couple of bars that are allowed to stay open regular hours.

If you want to help, please do the following:

Send an email to the people below and make sure to mention the following sentence: "I support Town Hall and the speedy approval of its substantial change application."
Please include your name and address and any other details you may feel are relevant and send them to kpatterson@dccouncil.us, cynthia.simms@dc.gov, anc3b@yahoo.com and cc paulcholder@hotmail.com

Mostly, regular folks don't like to do this sort of thing because we have better things to do. Well, there are small groups of people who don't have anything better to do than to ruin good things for the rest of us and its up to the regular folks to fight them to teach them to do better things. Did that make sense? No? Stop ruining fun things you idiots!

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