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Friday, January 06, 2006

Go! Get to the Chopper!

Sports columnists have become public figures in recent years; gaining almost as much attention as the athletes they cover. You can't turn on the radio or tv without hearing some sportswriter yelling at the top of his lungs about some issue in sports. One issue that they love to debate are athletes leaving college early to go to the pros. Michael Wilbon wrote a piece about Vince Young of Texas in today's Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content//article/2006/01/05/AR2006010501939.html

Thankfully, Wilbon is right about this case but he is typically one of these 'stay in school no matter what' guys

The arguments against going pro that these guys often espouse are irritating to me. They talk about a 'college education' like its this mythical key to life and no one has ever been successful unless they do a regimented 4 year program. I hate this. First of all, you can always go back and get your degree if you are worried about the academic side of things. Second, does anyone remember college? It involved getting as drunk as you possibly could and having sensitive conversations about 'like, finding myself, and just feeling like, I don't know or whatever". Please. The ability to play a sport that you love at the highest level is a narrow window, even for the great talents. Injuries or other issues can strike at any time (Maurice Clarret anyone?). The kid has a chance to be set for life financially which is way more than just a piece of paper saying he took enough sociology/geology classes to graduate. Always go. If there is a chance you will be drafted, go. Always.

When someone leaves early, they are not necessarily giving up anything other than on campus frat parties and getting caught drinking in dorm rooms. You can still go to school, you just can't play sports there which makes you just like the other 99% of college students. I played college baseball. Had I been drafted, I'd have been gone. Sure I'll see you in the fall for classes but I'm following my dream in the meantime thanks.

Topic change:
I've been sick this week. I, and most men I know, are complete pansies when they are sick. I find that women are typically way better at dealing with being sick/tired than men are. Is it a physiological nuturer thing? Or is it because they are attracted to terrible dudes and they always say they want a sense of humor but in reality they will laugh at any a$$hole's joke as long as they think he's cute and disinterested enough to appear as though he has other options. That may not have been related.

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