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Thursday, January 26, 2006

I Feel Like I'm Taking Crazy Pills

One of the tell-tale clinical signs insanity is a person doing the same thing twice and expecting a different result. If I touched a burning pot, got burned, touched it again in the same way and was legitimately surprised that I got burned, I'd be insane.

Well, Ron Artest isn't insane. He is just plain crazy. He is only predictable in the sense that you always never know what he is going to do. He may be the worst teammate in the history of organized sports. He's the adult version of that spastic kid on the basketball team who wasn't that good but no one wanted to play against because he didn't feel any pain and couldn't really control himself and you were always worried he was going to knee you in the thigh because he was out of control so you always passed the ball quickly when he would run at you and Coach Brown would call you a p*ssy because it looked like you were scared of contact but it was just that Kareem was so dangerous you had no idea what he would do and Kareem would never play in the games but coaches loved having him in practices as some sort of sick way to try and 'toughen up the soft private school kids' but I was actually decently tough because Fred Underwood and Nick Russel used to beat me up in Sam's Bar. yeah.

Well, the Sacramento Kings just traded for Ron Artest. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/25/AR2006012502153.html

Awesome idea. I wouldn't be surprised if in 2 months, police were called to his house because he was eating cats and making altars out of their bones. The Sacramento management is insane for taking him on. How could you expect a different result?

You know who is a great guy? Andy Lopresto. Who is that you ask? Good question. Check out this dude's webpage: www.andylopresto.com. He gets comedy and he writes nice things about Rory Scovel and me. He's also an internet.com genius and I respect guys like that. We should be internet friends Andy. Let's do myspace together.

Saturday- Rockville show, Tuesday - Warehouse Next Door (www.dccomedyfest.com), next Friday- University of Maryland.


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