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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

You're Special...

Saw a filthy band last night at the Black Cat. They are from Copenhagen, Denmark. They are pictured right.
They are awesome. The down side is that they have the standard 'insert artsy band photo' thing going on. This annoys me. I'm not sure what I'd do differently. I just know that I'd try to avoid this. I've gotten headshots done. I know it's absurd. What gets me is that there is someone in there. When this photo was taken, he/she was all:

'OK, now you squat like you are looking at seashells. You two, peaceful and arrogant at the camera...in the back, you look towards a heavenly body..possibly a constellation. Great. Hold it.'
Anyway, these guys are really good. If you like Arcade Fire, this band could be right in your wheelhouse.

That was a non-sequitor.
Do you ever have so much to do that you feel overwhelmed? Do you ever get so overwhelmed that you don't do any of those tasks? If that was a job, I'd be the CEO. Rory Scovel would be on my staff. He'd be in charge of our 'hiding from problems division.' I'd be in charge of all of it. The 'Feeling awkward when there's arguing' division, 'phone calls not made because I hate talking to strangers' division, the 'non confrontations' department.
3 days left. I'm on jokes.

I'm an idiot. The band pictured is called 'Mew'.

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