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Thursday, December 15, 2005

My New Thing

I lead the league in unintentional joke stealing. Apparently, I have been doing a David Cross (http://www.bobanddavid.com/) joke for a while and not knowing it. Its not exactly the same but I was told that the premises are pretty much identical. I am going to listen to the joke and decide whether or not I should just throw mine away or change it so its different enough. While it sucks that I may have to get rid of a joke, its pretty cool that I had the same idea as one of the most clever comedians in the world. The guy is hilarious and was responsible for one of the greatest sketch comedy shows of all time (Mr. Show).

My friend was telling me that he had some email exchange with a girl he had met. He invited her to something. It turned out that she couldn't go but responded with an email that really made it seem like she wanted to go but couldn't and that there would be future interactions. He emailed her saying no big deal that she couldn't make it and that they would talk soon. No response. He waited a week and invited her and anyone she wanted to bring to a party this weekend. Nothing.

There are any of a million possibilities of what happened here but I only have one opinion to share on the subject and that is this: Email him back. You can tell him you're busy, you can tell him that you're dating someone, you can tell him anything you want because you, and anyone else, is impersonal over email. No one can see your face. Just type it out. Seriously. Watch this:

"Sorry, sounds like fun but I can't make it. Take Care"

Obviously, she doesn't want to hang out again. No big deal, my boy will move on. This email silence? Unacceptable in today's world.

A lot of girls wonder why a guy gets her number and then doesn't call. This is one of the huge reasons. They are afraid of something like this happening. No one likes to be told no but being completely blown off is just annoying. Why give out the contact info if you really didn't want to be contacted? I know that sometimes it can be more awkward if she says no to giving out the digits which is why my man went for email. In the world of today, people need to be able to respond to emails promptly. This email embargo is just silly. If she is reading, and she could very well be, email the guy. Make up some BS about how 'crazy its been at work' and send something out. Get it done.

Next topic: If any of my readers are politically charged, read this: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/12/14/AR2005121401933.html

Its an opinion piece by George Will. He's a conservative and while I don't hold to a lot of his viewpoints, I couldn't agree more with what he writes here. We have a chance to find and produce almost the exact amount of oil that we import from Saudi Arabia domestically. Anything we can do to get ourselves out of the Middle East is huge for us. One of the reasons we are hated over there is that we are viewed as someone who strips the land of its resources and reward the people with nothing but continued struggles by giving money to the already extremely wealthy. This, above all else should motivate the US to come up with alternative fuels and in the meantime, our own fossil fuels. Drilling in ANWR isn't enough to heat the nation, but its billions of $$ less going to Saudi Arabia from the US and its one less piece of leverage for OPEC to barter with.

I just realized that this wasn't funny. Farty fart fart giggly toodlepoo. That's better.

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