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Friday, December 30, 2005

New Years

I have had one great New Years Eve in my whole life: the 1999/2000 nye where my buddy Jon and me wished everyone a 'happy Armageddon' and I made drunken kissy with several girls and a couple of dudes and one who could have gone either way. Other than that, nothing but fairly disappointing ventures where I and a few friends drop a lot of money, have huge expectations, and go to some bar/club with lots of strangers all in search of some sort of magical time that never comes and I go home by myself swearing that I will never do something like that again.

It begins when the calendar turns to December. The questions: "What are you doing for New Years?", "Are you doing anything for New Years?", "Any plans for New Years?", "Who is this? Stop calling me. I can hear you breathing." Totally annoying. You know what its like? Prom. New Years is like prom for people in their early-mid 20s. Huge expectations, disappointments, high expense, and hanging out with people that you don't really want to see. I am totally beat on doing some big production for new years. Its just another night out as far as I'm concerned. If its an excuse to hang out with a bunch of my friends, hurray for that but I refuse to do the prom thing anymore.

Congrats to my boys Justin Schlegel and Jon Mumma who torched the Comedy Factory last night for a sold out show. It will also be off the set of chains tonight. www.baltimorecomedy.com

Happy New Year everybody. I would never hang out in 2005.

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