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Friday, October 06, 2006


I was on the 98 rock morning show this AM. I had a really fun time. Thanks to 98 rock, Kirk, Mark, and Spiegel for having me on. Great time hanging out with cool people. Turns out, after much debate, Mr. Ed was not a zebra...

After the radio, I did a quick segment on FOX 45 Baltimore with Jennifer and Patrice. Note: A mint thing is to be on air with two hot chicks talking about yourself.

Here is the advice: If you are planning on leaving the Baltimore area at 9 with the idea of arriving to your job near Washington, DC a little after 10, hit yourself in the face until you pass out. It is not going to happen. It took me 3 hours. No joke. No exaggerations or shenanigans. 3 hours. It was, in point of fact, a shabingus. Also, everyone at your job will be really mad at you because they had to cover for you all morning and you will be viewed as someone that shirks his responsibilities.

8:30 + 10:30 tonight, 8 + 10 on Saturday night.

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