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Monday, October 23, 2006


I'm going to Lancaster, PA on Thursday for the Mid-Atlantic NACA conference. This is where a bunch of reps from colleges go to see who they want to book for their schools. I did a small one in the spring and the result was a shabingus; one of the worst nights of my life. Great story though. It can be one of those sh*tty stories great comics tell when they are famous and everyone loves them because they are great. I cam currently shy the greatness, fame, and an audience for my story. I do have the story.

Wednesday, everyone who is cool in the world needs to come right here: http://www.southbeachrestaurantbethesda.com/

For those that don't know, it is the restaurant of one of my childhood heroes, Gary Clark. He is letting us have a comedy show there. I cannot tell you how excited this makes me. I love this man as much as one can love another man that he does not know personally...My boy Rob Maher put this thing together. He is good.

Show starts at 8:30 and people should come. It will be a great time.

Goodbye everyone.

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